How to Track Person that Using Your Wi-fi

The Wi-Fi trespassing is not merely a theft but it could be a major security breach. For tech-savvy hackers getting into Wi-Fi is a walk in the park. Wi-Fi thief access your internet, surf, download and enjoy everything, all at your expenses.

Unauthorized sharing without the owner’s consent is a criminal offense.

It is important to learn how to detect the person who is using your Wi-Fi. With technology backup, it is not so difficult to track the culprits.

First, confirm your Wi-Fi is being stolen- Before taking any action, ensure if an intruder is at all compromising your Wi-Fi. First, check the devices being used through your router such as laptops, mobile phones, set-top boxes, game consoles, Wi-Fi printer, etc.

Then look at your router’s indicator lights, blinking lights indicate how many devices are being used through the internet network. Shut all the devices on the Wi-Fi, if the light still blinks, it shows your Wi-Fi is being used by some unwanted person.

# Find out the IP address-

Now when you are assured that someone is stealing your Wi-Fi connection, go ahead further. Find out the IP address of your router, first open CMD and type ipconfig command, the value shown will be your IP address.

# Login router-

Type the IP address you got in the web browser to open the web IP address. A log will appear where you need to fill the logging details like username and password of the router.

# Find the section for devices-

Now look for the section of all the devices on the router information, such as attached devices, my network, my devices, and device list etc.

#Match the list-

Now compare the list of all IP addresses of the connected devices in admin panel with all the system’s IP addresses. Find out IP address as already described.

In the list, if you find some device, which is not matching your devices, then it is the one stealing you. Explore and check further for detail and spot the thief around you.

# Catch the thief-

Now it’s the time to reprimand or punish the thief for the Wi-Fi theft. At the same time, think about the security aspects to safeguard your Wi-Fi connection.

 If the stealer is using more of the bandwidth, it means your internet was being used for long. So, the best way out is to switch off the router if your devices are not in use. Better choose a time when you can shut it off for a longer period, finally the thief will have to opt for own connection

 Unauthorized access is illegal in most places and amounts to arrests and fines. An open network is legal and open for all, but hacking WEP and WPA is another story.
 Try some app like Moocher Hunter, this software can spot the culprit with an accuracy of two meters. This you can use when you are in serious trouble because of the thief’s nefarious activities on the internet.
 Just change your password and move on, and pray it is not hacked again.


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